Domestic Helper Insurance

Domestic Helper Insurance

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Important Notes:

Applicable to HelperSurance 4.0

  1. This plan is only applicable for the foreign domestic helper who is employed by You for full time domestic duties and is aged between 16 and 65.
  2. A standard Employment Contract as specified by the Director of Immigration (Hong Kong) must be entered into between You and the insured Domestic Helper, and it shall be effective on/before the Policy Effective Date.
  3. The insured Domestic Helper must hold a valid employment visa issued by Hong Kong Immigration Department in connection with the employment between You and the insured Domestic Helper for the full time domestic duties as specified in the standard Employment Contract. 
  4. The insured Domestic Helper shall work in the address as specified in the standard Employment Contract during the period of insurance.
  5. The 14-day waiting period from the effective date of the insurance is applicable under Clinical Expenses, Surgical and Hospitalisation Expenses, Service Interruption Cover and Dental Expenses for each Domestic Helper.
  6. The premium has included the Employees' Compensation Insurance Levy. 

The above product information is for reference only. For details of coverage, terms, conditions, and exclusions, please refer to the policy wording. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of any of the above details, the English version shall prevail.

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