Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

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Insurance Plan

Depart from Hong Kong (Round Trip)


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Important Notes:


  1. iTravel Plus (Single Trip) is only available for online purchase.
  2. The maximum indemnity under Personal Accident Section for the Insured Person who is under 18 years of age will be limited to HK$250,000.
  3. For Family Plan, the maximum indemnity under Personal Accident Section will be limited to HK$1,500,000 and the maximum indemnity under Medical Expenses Section will be limited to HK$3,000,000 for all of the Insured Persons who are under 18 years of age.
  4. For Family Plan, the benefit under Personal Money is not applicable to Insured Person(s) is(are) below 18 years of age.
  5. 24-hour Worldwide Travel Assistance Services are available outside the Country of Residence. Country of Residence will be regarded as Hong Kong SAR.
  6. All the insurance products offered on this website are underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited ("MSIG"). MSIG is a general insurer licensed and regulated by the Commissioner of Insurance of the Hong Kong SAR. iTravel Plus (Single Trip) Individual Plan & iTravel Plus (Annual) Individual Plan offered by MSIG are only available for subscription by residents of the Hong Kong SAR.
  7. Collection of Levy on Insurance Premium : Insurance Authority (IA) has announced the collection of levy on insurance premium under the “Insurance Ordinance” with effect from 1st January 2018. As a result, all premium amounts shown in this webpage are subject to levy. For further information, please visit

Applicable to iTravel Plus (Single Trip)

  1. Asia: listed countries and areas in Asia including China, Macau, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
  2. Maximum days per trip of Plan A and Plan B are 182 days. Maximum days per trip of Plan C is 30 days, each trip should be commenced in Hong Kong and the application of this policy should be completed before your trip commence.
  3. There is no minimum age limit for this plan. Maximum age limit is 85.
  4. Family Plan is only applicable to a legally married couple and any number of your child(ren) under 18 years of age. Child(ren) under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or a guardian in the insured trip. Family Plan is not offered for Plan C.
  5. The maximum indemnity under Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Sections for an Insured Person who is over 70 years of age will be limited to only 25% of the Sum Insured.
  6. The Double Indemnity benefit under Personal Accident Section will not be available to those Insured Persons who are under 18 or over 70 years of age at the time of an accident. This extra benefit is not applicable to Plan C.
  7. The Amateur Dangerous Sports Extension under Personal Accident Section and Medical Expenses Section will not be available to those Insured Persons who are over 70 years of age. This extra benefit is not applicable to Plan C.
  8. The Golfers' Hole-in-One benefit will not be available to those Insured Persons who are under 18 years of age.
  9. Any acts of terrorism involve the use of biological, chemical agents or nuclear devices are excluded. 
  10. No refund of the premium and the Levy will be allowed once the policy document has been issued.

Applicable to iTravel Plus (Annual)

  1. Maximum days per trip is 90 days, each trip should be a round-trip commencing in Hong Kong SAR and the application of this policy should be completed before your trip commence.
  2. There is no minimum age limit for this plan. Maximum age limit is 75.
  3. The maximum indemnity under Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Sections for an Insured Person who is over 65 years of age will be limited to only 25% of the Sum Insured.
  4. The Amateur Dangerous Sports Extension under Personal Accident Section and Medical Expenses Section will not be available to those Insured Persons who are over 65 years of age.

Applicable to Overseas Study Insurance

  1. The insured student must be aged between 6 and 50 and not a passport holder of the study country/region.
  2. The applicant and insured student must be Hong Kong resident and at the time of application the insured student has not yet left Hong Kong for the study journey meant to be covered.
  3. The study journey should be originating from Hong Kong.
  4. MSIG reserves the right to request proof of study upon claims.

The above product information is for reference only. For details of coverage, terms, conditions, and exclusions, please refer to the policy wording iTravel Plus (Single Trip), iTravel Plus (Annual) and Overseas Study Insurance. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of any of the above details, the English version shall prevail.

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